This weekend, I had a phone interview with Deseret News. I'm guessing I didn't get my other internship that I wanted since they never called me back. But I guess I wasn't meant to intern there right now! Anyways, the phone interview went pretty well. I felt it was rushed but that's ok. The editor on the phone that interviewed me praised me instead of criticized me like the guy editor did in my last interview. So I was glad and it made me feel good about myself. I will find out in a couple weeks if I get to intern there.
I have been feeling a little sick this weekend. I get the chills off and on and my head keeps throbbing off and on as well. Not fun! But I slept most of the day today because I have been so tired too, and that has helped me a lot. I am feeling much better now!
I was so out of it this morning, that this is how I made my bed:
I put my sheets over my comforter and didn't even realize it! I make my bed everyday... you would think I would notice not making my bed like I normally do. Oh well. It made me laugh once I realized how not-myself I was this morning! I am the ward chorister, and I couldn't even conduct the music properly during the hymns in sacrament. But I went home once sacrament ended, and slept, like I already mentioned.
Have I said how much I miss Geoff lately? If I haven't said it, I'm think about it all the time! I felt so spoiled this week, because on Monday I got an email AND a letter from him, then I got another letter on Friday. Two letters in one week! I love hearing how he is doing and seeing him change and be so spiritual. He seriously is going to be an awesome missionary. He says he can speak Portuguese without a problem now and is ready to leave the MTC. I don't blame him! I'm excited for tomorrow because he said he would email me back-and-forth for a little bit. Like MSN Messenger chatting! Even though it will only be for like 15 minutes, I'm still so excited!
Well, I really should go to bed now. I hope the quick update on my life wasn't too boring! I promise the next blog post I post will be worthwhile!
Oh.. one last thing! I dyed my roommate's hair! I have never dyed someone's hair before, so I was way scared that I would ruin her hair! Luckily I didn't. In fact, I think I did a pretty good job if I say so myself!
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