
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Geoff's Mission Blog

For my CIT 336 Web Development class, I have to create a website just like I did in my CIT 230 Web Design class. So I decided to create a website for Geoff for his friends and family. I didn't know if his family planned on sending out emails on updates or not. So I'm in the process of making a website with updates he sends me in letters, pictures, info about his mission location, etc. It's pretty neat so far! I have everything updated. The website won't be fully complete until the end of the semester, but it's up and running for his friends and family to look at when they want to know how he is doing!

This is the logo for the website. I made it myself! Check out his website here and hear how he's doing and some exciting plans and changes that are going to happen to him! (Wow... I sound like a salesperson. But I do want people to go there!)

Speaking of Geoff... I miss him... a lot. My best friend has been out only a month and it seems like he's been out way longer than that. I hope as the months go by, it will seem like times is going faster. But he has already become so spiritual and amazing just after a month. He can speak Portuguese without a problem, and is already struggling with speaking and writing in English in the letters I get. AFTER JUST A MONTH. Crazy boy! But it makes me so happy that he is happy and having this amazing experience. I feel he is even being sweeter to me and showing me he cares with the things he says in his letters. He even sent me a note in starburst wrappers that I had to put together in order to read. I sent him those starbursts!

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is Geoff is a great guy and a blessing in my life :)

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