
Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Favorite Tradition #3

For the past several years, my aunt and I have been giving each other powdered doughnuts in a creative way to one another. It's a tradition we have had ever since she ate all my powdered doughnuts when I was a little girl while she was babysitting me! I was so excited this year because I have been at college for the past four years, but I was planning on being home this year! But then plans changed, and now I'm living in Salt Lake. So sad! Luckily my sister is getting married on November 3rd so I will be home for that and plan on giving her her actual present then!

Past posts about this tradition can be found Here and Here.

For now, I made a little photo album to have on her birthday. I love you so much Aunt Mimi! Enjoy!

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