
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Living in Salt Lake: Week 4 Update

I can't believe it's been a month since I moved here to Salt Lake! Pretty crazy how time flies. I have learned so much in the last month and am so grateful.

On Tuesday, I went to the concert I received free tickets for from interviewing a local band called Chasing Chance. My friend Candice came along with me and we had a really fun time! I loved loved LOVED that Parachute performed! I knew every one of their songs, except one. But once they were done we got to go out and meet them! Since there were a ton of people wanting to meet them as well, we only met the main singer, Will. It's sweet that I met the guy whose songs I think are so wonderful!

  The only downside to the concert was that when All-American Rejects performed, the lead singer would drop the f bomb every time he spoke in between songs... he said that word with other words in every sentence! We felt a little uncomfortable about that. We only stayed to listen to three songs from "Boys Like Girls" because it was 10:15ish and I needed to drive an hour back home still! I didn't get home until around 11:30 once I dropped Candice off. I was definitely tired the next day at work, but you know what? It was all worth it. Sometimes, losing sleep... no matter how much you love it... is necessary to live a little. Or a lot!

We were given so many free treats this week at work... Kneader's amazing pumpkin bread, bagels from a place called "Einstein Bagels," (which are seriously the best bagels I have ever had in my entire life, and I know a good bagel when I eat one!) and also these delicious tarts from Kneader's as well. The tarts were amazing! I had a key lime one, and it just melted in my mouth like a little slice of heaven. Free treats are awesome! And I especially enjoy not having to go and pay for lunch somewhere!
Scrumptious key lime tart.
 The first snow came down on Thursday. It had been raining Monday through Wednesday, but on Thursday the snow just came down! It was cool being in the Deseret News building and seeing all the snow come down on Salt Lake. Luckily, by the time I got home the sun had come out and it was all melted at my apartment. An hour later, however, this is what the sky looked like near my apartment:
Can you say freaky! My roommate and I were driving and half the sky was blue and half was pitch black with these low clouds just coming quickly. Within a few minutes the whole sky was dark and it started hailing. Yuck! But I have never seen the sky turn dark so quickly right in front of me. My roommate and I swear we even say a funnel forming in the sky, and we thought a tornado was going to hit down! I'm glad there wasn't a tornado and I am still alive today to write my ridiculous adventures on this blog to you. And I hope you are too :)

My boss asked me to go to a performance on Friday night called "Luz de las Naciones: Sus Promesas" which translates to "Light of the Nations: His Promise." I am going to be writing an article about my experience there. I went with my friend Kelcie and was happy to have her since she knows Spanish from her mission. The performance was in Spanish, so I had Kelcie and also translation headphones so I could hear it in English. But that performance was AMAZING! It talks about how Christ came to the Americas and different cultures told their versions of when He came. There was Hawaiian, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Native Americans, and some others. The different cultures danced and sang their traditional dances and songs. Then near the end it talked about how all these stories came together to help write the Book of Mormon. It was just awesome. The kids were adorable when they sang and danced! But all the performers were so talented. It was a very touching and moving performance. I highly recommend it to all. And don't be intimidated when you are surrounded by Latinos and look like a weirdo being one of the only ones with headphones!
Performers at the beginning.
Chile. I loved this part with the kids twirling the ribbon on the pole!

My favorite... Hawaii hula dancers!
All the performers at the end.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson sat right in front of me about 10 rows! I thought that was pretty neat. Too bad I wasn't able to meet him! He's in the picture above in the top right-hand corner :)

Those are the main highlights of my week! This upcoming week will be an exciting one... My sister is getting married and I fly home on Thursday! I can't wait!

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