
Monday, November 5, 2012

Home for the Weekend

Last Thursday, I was able to fly home for my sister Chelsey's wedding! It was the highlight of my week. I made sure to get all my stories I had to write before my plane left on Thursday.

Before I get to wedding details, I have to talk a little bit about my Halloween! My roommates and I carved pumpkins on Tuesday night, and we had lots of fun! Kristen even cooked the pumpkin seeds, even though I didn't really like them... But it was still lots of fun!

Here is my "Wicked" pumpkin I carved. I forgot how much time and patience is needed in carving pumpkins... maybe that's why I haven't done it for a couple years! Next year, I plan on finding a creative way to decorate my pumpkin without carving it and having to scoop out all the yucky insides. It's just too much work and too messy in my opinion.
 On Halloween, I went to Zupas, one of my favorite places in Utah to eat, for dinner with my roommate Jessica and our friend Megan. It was so good! We were going to go out to a movie, or go to the corn maze, but we ended up just going back to our apartment and watching a scary movie. We're so much fun (or old)!

Also, my cousin Leisha sent me a picture of her two cute girls dressed up as Ariel and Snow White. It made me miss them so much more than I already do!
 Ok... back to the wedding. I arrived home around 6 p.m. on Thursday. Everyone was so happy to see me and tears and screaming filled our home. I might have exaggerated that last sentence a bit, but I'm sure my family was screaming and crying with joy deep down! Just look how excited my little sister and Zoey were to see me:
 Blank. Stares. Really? Thank guys I feel the love!

My Aunt Mimi's "Doughnut Seeds" grew into flowers! I was able to deliver her some during the wedding reception while she was there helping out!
 Friday we were busy decorating and making last minute preparations. Billy's mom made us an enchilada dinner later that night. I believe the highlight of that day was my cousins Chanel and Ariel surprising us all when they came while we were all decorating! I recorded a video of Chelsey's reaction. It meant so much to her that they came.
 Finally, Saturday came. The day was filled with getting our hair done, getting dressed, making flower bouquets, and taking pictures. Rosalie Black, the wedding photographer, was amazing! She is definitely talented and I enjoyed her cute personality. I envy her photography skills and all her fancy equipment. Someday when I can afford it, I will buy a fancy camera of my own!

Here is a photo of me that my mom took on my phone... I must say, I do look a little creepy, but I really like the color of my eyes!
I believe everyone enjoyed the wedding. The dancing was fun and the food was delicious! A family friend made pulled pork sliders, brisket and the best mac and cheese ever. Although it's wasn't the type of wedding I'm use to (I'm use to just going to an LDS wedding reception), I still enjoyed myself and had fun catching up with friends and family.

Here are some lovely wedding photos taken by Rosalie Black. They are gorgeous!
It was a long day, exhausting day. I forgot how much work goes into a wedding. I was so grateful we gained an extra hour that night so I could somewhat catch up on some much needed sleep!

Congrats Chelsey and Billy! I hope the married life is all you hoped it would be :)

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