
Monday, November 1, 2010

Best. Halloween. Ever!

So Halloween is probably the funnest holiday to celebrate at college. Especially when it's on a Sunday, and you go to an LDS college that celebrates it on the Friday and Saturday before! I think this was the funnest Halloween out of the three I have been at college for. I'm not the type to normally dress up for Halloween, but my roommates came up with the best idea ever to dress up as stepford wives (and no... not the slutty kind like every other girl dresses up like). I gave in and went with the flow, and boy did we all looked so good! We went to a really fun dance Friday night at the airport museum that played really good music and so many people were there. There were the best costumes, but I must say being in a group of all stepford wives got a lot of stares and glares. I heard a couple people say, "Wow, that is a really legit idea!" and "I wish we would have thought of something like that!" This may be because one of my roommates took the role as the "cleaning wife" and dragged our huge, broken vacuum around everywhere which got a lot of laughs. And two of my other roommates made fudge and cookies and handed them out to people. How can you not be jealous of us! I had a cold, but even though I coughed half the night and was a little out of it at times, I didn't let that get into the way of my Halloween fun!

My Stepford Wives Costume!

The group! MB, our friend Danielle, Me, Vanessa, Jess and our friend Ashley

The Creeper... he came to our apartment the night before and scared us all to death. We were literally on our couch squeezing eachother while he came at us with his bloody sword in the dark! We tried for like half an hour that night to figure out who he was, but he wouldn't tell is. We finally found out his identity on Saturday! Ross! He use to be in our ward.

Dancing around the vacuum.

Jacob Black! What a smarty to attract all the ladies!

Our friend Laura... I loved her glow-stick costume!

Saturday and Sunday I was way out of it from being sick, so I ended up watching scary movies most of the time with friends. And sleeping of course! All in all it was one of the funnest weekends I have had in a long time!

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