
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Attempting to stay focused...

I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off these last couple of weeks! I have had a mix of things going on that I'm dealing with, some good and bad. Let's first start with the bad:

-I seriously am on campus all... day... long! I've had huge projects I'm working on for a couple of my classes. The main one is for my Public Relations class, and my group and I are creating this campaign for the C.A.R.E program in Madison County. They are a group that helps students K-12 who have mental illness, or those who are associated with it. So our job is to promote them so everyone in the Madison County knows about C.A.R.E. and what they can do to help those who need it. It is interesting, but it is so much work already and we have just begun! I must say, it is pretty sweet to be doing an actual campaign and doing something that I will be doing when I'm older. my group and I have some sweet ideas, and I know it will pay off in the end!

-I don't know if it is because I'm older and getting sick of the whole college routine, but lately I have been so unmotivated to do any homework after 6. So now I have to work double hard to get everything done by that time.

-All I want to do in my spare time is design... anything! Brochures, flyers, posters, my website for my web design class, anything. I would do anything to get the Adobe Suite programs on my laptop that would allow me to do so at any given time. But maybe I can ask for it for Christmas :) I guess it is a good thing I don't have them now, or I would be designing instead of doing homework like I should!

-I now say "what the earth!" instead of "what the heck" all the time. I am annoying myself, and I finally found out that I learned it from a youtube video my roommate showed me at the beginning of the semester. Who says that type of stuff? Apparently I do now. This earth phase better end soon.

-I lost my tweezers! And they were good ones too. I need to pluck my eyebrows before they become a uni-brow!

-I have the worst luck with phones, and my phone is falling apart more and more each day. I love it too much!

Those are some of the bad things. Now for the good:

-General Conference two weekends ago was so good! I wanted to go down to Utah so bad and watch it in the conference center since I've never been, but I decided to relax in Rexburg and watch conference with my friends. I got a lot out of those talks, and I can't wait for the November Ensign to come out so I can read them all and underline my favorite quotes! I will post some of those quotes up when I get the chance.

-I love my roommates more and more everyday! I wish we never had to leave eachother! We entertain each other soooooo much. Last Saturday we had a girl's night, and did a bunch of girly stuff. The main event though was our banana/honey face masks. It was quite an experience! We also bought mini pumpkins just for the heck of it and painted them to decorate our apartment and get into the Halloween spirit!

Vanessa, Jess and MB!

Me and Lara!

Face Masks! And our mini pumpkins before we decorated them.

-I love my web design class! I find it so fascinating and fun building websites! I usually walk out of that class so confused, but once I practice what we learned in class on my website it's exciting to make my website look cool! Here is my website I bought for my class, and once it's done it will be a portfolio of all my work I've done while in college. It will mainly be for potential employers who may want to hire me someday.

-I don't know whether this is classified as good or bad, but I guess it can be both. A couple weeks ago, I received 3 picture messages an several other texts about my picture being in the Scroll, our school newspaper. I am a member of PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), so I was in there for that. That same day, Craig, the chapter president of PRSSA, asked me to be the VP of Publicity. So now I am in charge of news releases and many other things to hopefully get more students to join PRSSA. It is a lot of work, but it's good experience at the same time! A picture and information about me was put in our PRSSA Newsletter that we print out once a month. Also, I got to write a testimonial about I-Comm to be put in a brochure that is going to be printed out to advertise for I-Comm.

-Being a Communications major is the best major. Ever. I am in a Public Relations Agency on campus, which is apart of I-Comm, and we just got a sweet new client! Sammy's is a new hamburger place here in Rexburg that just opened up at the beginning of the semester. They are famous for their delicious pie shakes, where they blend an actual piece of pie into a shake. It sounds odd but it is so good! Well, my group and I made a campaign proposal to give to them to see if they would hire us to do some of the fun stuff mentioned in the proposal for them. AND THEY DID! We are going to be doing awesome projects for them! I helped make the proposal book, and I'm putting it on here so I can spread my happiness with you, even though it's not as big of a deal to you. But it is to me so that's all that matters! You have to click on each of the separate pages to view them. I don't know how to add files, or else I would have put the whole book in one file to make it easier to view.

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