
Friday, February 1, 2013

February is Here!

The first day of February has brought us 40 degree weather and sunshine! After getting lotsof snow the past weekend and crummy roads Monday through Wednesday, this weather is lovely! It's been so cold, in fact, that 25 degree weather seems warm to me now, so today feels like it's summer! I know those clouds I see hanging above the mountains will soon come down and grace us with their presence in no time, but for now I'm going to enjoy the sunshine while we have it.

I can't believe I've lived in Utah for a full 4-months now. Seems like I just moved here a week ago! Ok, maybe more like a month ago. I love how time is just flying by now that I've been more busy being a features writer at Deseret News. Speaking of Deseret News, I wrote an article last week about Stephanie Nielson's Mormon Message video being the first out of all the Mormon Messages to reach 1 million views.... and Stephanie posted the link to my article on her blog! We're pretty close now her and I... after reading my article she called me up at work and wanted to go out to lunch. Okay, not really...if you read that and believed it, I'm glad you are as gullible as me :) You can check out where she talked about my article on her blog here! And if you don't know who Stephanie is, you should!

Geoff's brother, Zach, got his mission call this week and is going to the Marshall Islands! Pretty much the neatest sounding mission in my opinion. I told Eli, Geoff's crazy13-year-old weirdo brother, that I could see Zach serving in Jamaica. I could just picture this tall, skinny, blonde-haired blue-eyed kid being among islanders! Although the Marshall Islands aren't near Jamaica, I still give props to myself for guessing an island! That is probably the closest I'll ever come to guessing someone's mission.

You can bet I'm going to soak up the sun this weekend by doing fun things with friends. And for once in my life, I'm not going to even make any plans until right before I'm about to do something. I need to be a little more spontaneous, because that is what makes life fun!

To celebrate a sunny weekend, I have decided to grace you with this silly video a girl I work with showed me. It made me smile! "Not cool, Robert Frost!"

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