
Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Secret Life of a Grown-Up

Warning: This blog may contain unnecessary ramblings of my currently-boring life. For those of you who enjoy my odd stories or just enjoy me in general, thanks for reading my blog, and read on :)

If there is something you should know about me, it is that I am a planner. I plan out my day everyday when I first get up, and before I go to bed I write down things I need to remember for the next day even though I usually remember anyways (I guess that makes me a worrier, too?) I also tend to make future plans, which include wedding ideas, ideas for my future family such as traditions I want to do, etc. I'm sure a lot of girls can relate to my planning ways, right? I hope so, since I don't want to be considered "weird" in any way! This is why I am so grateful Pinterest exists... I can turn my future planning ideas into visuals to look at! I am a very visual person too :)

But anyways, the point of me telling about my planning personality is because my internship will be ending in a couple of months, which means I have been attempting to make plans about what I'm going to do once my internship comes to an end. This includes job hunting, and a lot of it. I think I apply for about 5 jobs a day on average, even ones I don't feel I entirely qualified for. Because as a planner (and a worrier),  I want to make sure I have a job lined up so I can still be making money and support myself. I don't doubt a lot of people have or are going through the exact same situation as I am now!

Something else you should know about me is that along with being a planner (and a worrier), I am the type of person that gets excited about one particular thing and it is all I can focus on for a while. For example, this past Monday I had an interview at Winder Farms for a Web Administrator. As a planner (and a worrier) and a person that gets excited and wrapped up into something, before my interview I kept telling myself "This is the perfect job for me. I know I will get it. It is the perfect driving distance from where I live. The environment is exactly the type I see myself working in." Who knows what other things I told myself before, during and after the interview. But I got so excited for that one job, I didn't even think about the possibility of not getting it. Because that job is where I saw myself working.

I ended up not getting the job. And was depressed for the rest of the day I found out!

As a planner (and a worrier) and a person that gets excited about something that is exciting at that time, I then started telling myself "If I wasn't the one for this job, am not good for any other job. I'm not going to find the perfect job for me. I'm going to end up working at McDonald's. I'm going to be homeless!" Silly thoughts, right? Well they weren't silly for me at the time I was telling myself things! I really felt like a failure and started worrying about the future... because I'm a planner, and that is what planners tend to do.

Then I happened to find this quote on Pinterest... another reason why Pinterest is so great:
This is definitely what I needed to hear. I need to stop worrying so much about my future plans. I've learned that even though I can make future plans to keep me focused and working hard, 99% of the time, those plans won't happen. The Lord already has my future planned out and I need to focus on HIM more than my OWN PLANS. As long as I am happy and stay positive, I know things will always work out.

I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I've had a couple of job interviews now that haven't landed me a job, but at least I am learning what it takes to do well in a job interview. I just have to keep my head up, and look forward to an unknown future!

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