
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sickness, stress, snow and strikes!

It's that time of year again. The sick bug has hit my apartment. I had a fever on Sunday an kept getting the chills, then burning hot all night. Then I started coughing and blowing my nose non-stop. Definitely not fun! I still have the cold but it's not as bad as it was earlier this week. My roommate is now sick too. She was bound to get it since we live together! But I still feel bad and hopefully hers doesn't get as bad as mine did.... I was pretty miserable!

But now I finally am well enough and have time to blog about my fun weekend last weekend this weekend (had to do that)!

My lovely friend Candice came down on Friday and we went out to dinner with my roommate and our other friend, Megan. We ate at Noodles and Company, and it was my first time. I have to admit I was a little disappointed, but it was still noodles and noodles are good nonetheless! Afterwards we went and got cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory and ate it while watching a movie... pretty much delicious!

On Saturday, I went to one of my best friend Laura's wedding reception with another one of my best friends, Rachel. We were all three roommates back at BYU-Idaho in Fall of '09. One of my favorite semesters! The wedding reception was fun, Laura was gorgeous and it was great meeting her husband, Adam! I wish Laura still lived in Utah so Rachel and I could hang out with her every once in a while, but Adam is from Tennessee so that is where they live now. I hope to be able to hang out with Rachel more often since we only live about 8 miles away from each other!
 And onto this week and weekend. Besides being sick and working from home for the majority of the week to prevent getting anyone else sick, I had an interview at Goldman Sachs for a Production Graphic Artist. I have to admit I didn't feel qualified for the position at all, but they chose me for an interview so they must have felt I was qualified! The interview lasted a total of 2 hours, the longest interview of my life! The first hour was an assessment which I did pretty good on. Then the next hour I had two interviews, both of which were over the phone. I first talked to a lady named Mary, who is the head of the production team in New York. NEW YORK. Talk about stressful! She asked some tough questions but I felt I did pretty good. The next interview was with a guy named Logan who works in Salt Lake but broke his foot the night before so couldn't come in for a face-to-face interview. If they like me, they will have me in for an even more stressful second interview. But I don't know how I would feel working for one of the top investment banking companies. It seems like a lot of hard work! So we'll have to see what happens.

This weekend I cleaned and sanitized my germ-infested apartment then went bowing with friends. I think I got the highest score I have ever gotten... a 99! Only one away from 100. But I got 3 strikes which was the most I've ever gotten in one game as well.

There is so much snow here! It snowed non-stop from Wednesday afternoon to Friday afternoon. Look what I spent half an hour of my Saturday doing.... scraping the 7-inches of snow off my car!

This week is going to be a busy one at work. I have 3 stories to write and finish and 3 more lined up for the next weeks that I still have to interview people for. At least I will get to go into work all this week and not stay home sick!

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