
Friday, November 16, 2012

Goodbye Twinkies

Today is a sad day. Hostess, the beloved brand of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder Bread, has been forced to shut down by a Bakers Union strike. People are stocking up on their beloved Hostess products since who knows if they will ever see them again. Over 80 years in business and producing well-known American delicacies, Hostess looks like it will be gone for good.

Look what I found today on Ebay:

$5,000 for a single Twinkie. There's lots of other Hostess products up for bid as well. Time to stock up on Hostess products and become rich! Why didn't I think of this as soon as I heard Hostess was going out of business?

I am hoping to find at least one Twinkie left at a gas station near my apartment after work, so I can enjoy what may possibly be my last Twinkie ever.

I saw this picture and thought it was funny. Sad but funny.

Here are some must-watch videos to remember Hostess. The first, an 11-year old's ode to Hostess.

The second, a 1976 Hostess commercial. Oldie but goodie.

Enjoy your Friday, and may it be filled with the remaining Hostess products!

UPDATE: I was not able to find any Twinkies, but I did find some Zingers and my favorite doughnuts, the crunchy kind! Can you tell I'm a coconut lover getting two Hostess products with coconut in them? Ha!

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