
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Internship progress!

I am still in the looking-for-an-internship stage, which has been going on for two months now. It is such a long process. Most of the companies I would want to look for say they don't start looking for interns for January until around Thanksgiving. Really? Why must I wait that long! I just want to find an internship already and be stress-free and move on with my life! But I need to be patient. And grateful that there are such great opportunities out there with really great public relation companies.

But I got some very exciting news yesterday that I have been waiting for...

My church magazine internship emailed me yesterday and said they want to interview me this Friday! I am so happy! I just keep getting closer and closer to being an intern for the church! I know whatever happens or wherever I intern at happens for a reason. But I would love to work for the church!

I will be leaving Friday morning for Salt Lake, having my interview at 2:30, then drive back to Rexburg. It stinks to make a three and a half hour drive twice in one day, but that is what has to happen when you are a college student! Maybe I can find someone to drive with... or maybe I can just stay in Salt Lake for the weekend. But odds are I will be sticking to my current plan.

I am also getting the new iPhone 4S! I ordered it yesterday and I should get it next Monday. I am happy about that too, because the new iPhone is just wonderful!

That is my exciting news for now. For the rest of the week, I will be doing homework like a madwoman for the next couple days so I won't have to do any Friday!

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