Day 17:
A picture of something you're addicted to

I'm addicted to texting. I would be lost without my cell phone!
Day 18:
A picture of something you wish you were better at

I bought these programs and got all excited, because now I could design whatever I wanted to whenever I wanted. But sadly, school and doing homework non-stop hasn't allowed me to design whenever. I do wish I was better with these programs. Luckily I am taking a class once a week to learn more about them. I know the class will help me a ton and I'm so excited!
Day 19:
A picture of something you wish you could change

I wish, right now, I could change it so that there was NO construction on campus. It is everywhere! New apartments being built, new amphitheater, Taylor Quad being taken out and replaced by grass... it is ridiculous. But I am glad that they are making the required changed for this school to grow so more people can come someday in the future. That future is very far off though... I'm sure when I come back in 10 years it will look amazing. But right now it is annoying and it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Day 20:
A picture of something you hate

I hate failing at anything. Luckily I work hard in school so I don't really fail, but the fear of failing is something I hate as well. If I ever fail, I feel like I won't ever be good enough. But I have learned that we all need to fail sometimes because we learn and grow from our mistakes.
Day 21:
A picture of something you love

Isn't this little girl adorable? I love laughter and little children so much, especially a little child laughing! It is so precious to me, and reminds me of how much I loved being a carefree little girl.
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