
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well, I finally gave in!

So this is it... after over a year of trying to find time to start my own blog, I am officially doing it no matter if I don't have any time at all! Especially right now since I'm on my summer break from college and have some free time for once. Once classes start back up though, there is no guarantee I will be able to blog very often. That's what mounds of homework and trying to maintain a social life at the same time will do to ya! I started a blog last year, did one post, then never looked at it again. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. But I love looking at the blogs of my cousins and others and seeing what they are up to. I just can't believe how cute all my cousin's kids are! I miss all my cousins and their sweet little families so much. So luckily instead of searching for blogs, I can just come on my own blog and easily read what my lovely family and friends are up to these days!

I really am regretting not keeping up with a blog sooner. I have had so many amazing experience up at BYU-Idaho and wish I could talk all about them! But that would take way too long, so I'm just going to start right where I am now in life, and maybe post some earlier college memories if I happen to be thinking about them.

What have I been up to you may ask? Well, I am officially half way done with college! I can't believe how time flies! After a rough couple years not knowing what I was going to go into for sure, I am glad that I have figured it out and am on the path I know is right for me. I started out as a Business major my third semester, but after a taking the first set of business classes, I realized this wasn't for me at all. I took an accounting class and an economics class. I liked them both but they were way too complicated for me! My social life was going downhill and I definitely wasn't happy like I was the previous semester. So I decided that needed to change. And if I stayed in business, I would be taking similar classes that would get tougher and I needed to take classes I actually enjoyed.

After a bit of exploring, I started really getting interested in Communications. I loved my English classes all throughout high school and Communications involves a lot of writing. Along with other things that sounded way interesting, I changed my major. And it has been the BEST decision I have made! It is challenging, but it's a challenge I enjoy so much so it's worth it! I never knew how much Communications would fit my lifestyle. One of the greatest opportunities I was involved with last semester was I-Comm, which is a student-run media program that allows students to get hands-on experience without having to leave campus. I didn't really know what to expect when I added it as one of my classes. I added it for a practicum credit, which before I graduate I have to have three. So I figured I would start now to get my practicums over with. But I can promise you I will be involved in I-Comm for the rest of my time at school, even when I earn all my practicum credits, because it is that amazing! There are different sections of I-Comm: Scroll (the school newspaper), web development, design, video productions, I-News (news on campus), and the advertising and public relations agency. I decided to join the agency, because I liked the idea of being a part of a team to accomplish different projects. But I learned so much more than cooperating with my team. I wrote a few news releases, which has helped with my writing skills A TON! We work with real clients, and I love hearing what a client wants and doing my best to give them what they need. We made posters, brochures, and numerous other projects that have helped me so much! It's great that I have been able to get experience here that other universities can't even compare to. I also had the best project manager (leader of our team) Alicia! I will miss her so much! She's leaving on a mission to Spain this October, and will be in the exact same mission where one of my favorite roommates of all time is serving. I am so jealous they will most likely be together! They are both amazing women and have helped me grow a ton.

I-Comm and other Communication classes I took last semester were so wonderful, and I now know what I for sure want to with my life. I want to be a Public Relations Consultant. It would be great if I could work out of my own home and help clients out while still being able to raise a family! I have always wanted to be at home and work, so I'm glad I have figured out how to make this happen.

I was also lucky to be able to turn my Business classes I took into part of my minor so they wouldn't be wasted, and the other part is going to be Web Design which I'm definitely looking forward to.

Well, that's a brief update on my college life, which is really most of my life! I'm looking forward to blogging, because I know it will benefit me so much! That I have learned from being a Communications major :) I also want this site to be where I can post quotes, talks, and anything church related that I hear from devotionals or other sources on campus. The teachers here, especially the religion teachers, are some of the most inspiring people I have met, and I have been fortunate enough to get some amazing teachers and learn more than I ever thought possible about the gospel. Their insights are incredible and I know need to share what they say to everyone else!

Thanks to those family members and friends who have motivated me to start my own blog! I love you all so much and hope to be able to keep in touch with you more!

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