
Friday, August 6, 2010

I live for my "me" time!

If there is one thing I have learned, especially recently, we all need to take a break from all the craziness life throws my way and take a break! Doing the same routine all the time eventually burns you out. And I don't think it is healthy at all to keep doing the same things over and over. What thrill do you get out of that? Deep down we all want to have an adventure or do something to boost our happiness levels. Which is why I decided last semester at school that I was going to have "me" times, where I do what I want no matter how stressed I am. And can I say that is was wonderful! I was great how I could do something completely random with friends but still be able to get my homework done at the end of the day. I realized that the time I spent having fun would probably have been spent sitting and being frustrated thinking about all I had to do anyways.

If I'm not doing something with friends, then typically my "me" time is spent writing missionary letters, skyping with friends that aren't in Rexburg, designing something fun from my computer, going on a walk or just going to apartments in my ward and visiting. I don't like how the world tries to brainwash us into thinking that in order to be on top we have to work non-stop with some eating and sleeping in between. I need to take advantage of all the fun I can have by having some "me" time too! If I didn't have anything fun to look forward to, I know I would soon be waking up in the mornings and dreading what the day will bring. But that shouldn't be something anyone has to go through. We need to wake up not planning out every single thing we're going to do and at the exact time we're going to do it at. Yes, it's important to have an idea and set goals, because you do need to get that 5-page essay that you're not done with turned in by midnight tonight. But don't let the thought of working on that essay bring you down and make your day not fun. Any day shouldn't be wasted; it should be a day worth living.

One of my new pet peeves is when people say "I don't have time for that", especially if it's doing something fun. If you make the time you will always have time! And you need to make time for fun no matter what. I understand if you're asked right at last minute and you have other plans or have to study for a test, but you shouldn't reject something when you're asked way in advanced because you tell yourself you have to be busy doing homework or living in the library all day. That is not a way to live life!

I write too long of posts... sorry about that. I just like getting my point across :) But go out there and live your life to the fullest without any regrets. Take opportunities and risks even if you don't know what will happen, because change is what helps us to grow. Be the person that people look at and want to be like by showing them that we all need to fit some fun into our lives every now and then. I promise it's the best thing you can do for yourselves right now.

Figure out what your "me" time could consist of. We're all mothers, fathers, students, busy bees or many other things. But we all can agree that we need a break once in a while. Do simple things that make you happy and can be an escape from your normal routine. It doesn't have to be a big vacation that costs a lot of money, even though that would be great. It can be just going on a bike ride or playing frisbee in the park. WE ALL HAVE TIME TO TAKE TIME FOR OURSELVES! Don't tell yourselves otherwise!

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