I found the sweetest article today about a 100-year-old couple celebrating Valentine's Day together. You should read the article.... it can be found here.
This couple has been married for nearly 71 years, and a similar struggle of having their fathers die (on the exact same day, too), they seem to love each other more and more everyday. Their relationship has what I want too someday, and that is meaning.
This couple does the littlest things to show each other their love, even after being married for so long. I think their cute little sayings they say to one another are the best.
"I love you," says one.
"I love you more," says the other.
"Grayce, I think I am very old and that I am going home soon. Will you follow me?" asks Clarence.
"Like the tail of a kite," Grayce responded without hesitation.
Precious, right? Their daughter describes in this article that her parent's secret to happiness was simple.
"Their mothers were survivors and taught them important values such as family, a strong work ethic, and being grateful for every day and moment you have."
Also, Grayce describes how her and her husband have gotten through the hardships they have.
We just always got along -- we came from similar lives. We were raised by mothers who taught us what was important to have a valuable life, simply put -- take care of each other and your family. Life was not meant to be easy, so you surround yourself with good people and always have a strong faith that will help you through the hard times."
This article reminded me of a few valuable life lessons.
First, the choices I make today can and will affect not only the rest of my life, but my future family's life as well. Grayce said how both her and her husband's mothers, after losing their husbands, were able to still stay strong and be the perfect role models for their children. I hope I am able to be an example in my children's lives.
Second, as Grayce's mother taught her, life was not meant to be easy. I know that for a fact after going through some hard times. I have learned to do exactly what Grayce's mother taught her, and that is to realize that life was meant to be challenging at times. The best thing we can do for ourselves to get through the hard times is to be strong and know that everything will work out in the end. Also, I've learned that people come into our lives for a reason. We never know when a person, whether for a short or long while, can be the answer to our prayers. We should never be afraid to accept someones offer to help us with anything. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason!
Third, we should have values that are meaningful and bring true happiness such as family, having a strong work ethic, being grateful for the life we have, and realizing every moment we have and every experience we go through is a blessing. These are all values that are important to me, and I always am striving to be the best I can be because of these values.
Last but not least, remember that words are very powerful. It means the world to me when someone says something nice and meaningful to me. Expressing words of encouragement, love, kindness, and appreciation are simple acts we can do to show others they are special.
I can't wait until I can share meaningful moments with my husband, just like Grayce and Clarence. Going through life with someone and finding happiness along our journey together will be the best experience ever!
But, until then, I will continue to better myself in the best ways I possibly can.

Have you ever wondered why these popular Valentine Candies have existed for so long? I now believe that it's because even the littlest sayings can be the most meaningful to someone.
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