This really is tragic. Why? Well...

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I need new flats! They are my favorite shoes and I love that I can wear them for dressier occasions like when I go to church, or for casual occasions like hanging out with friends. I just can't wait to be graduated from college so I can get a real job and actually afford to buy things without having to be so frugal all the time!
After much research (ok, well enough research until I got bored!), I have found some flats that may be able to replace my current, falling-apart flats. Here they are, not in any particular order:

Which ones do you like the best? Sadly for me, I can't just order flats online. My narrow heels won't allow it! I never know which size of flats I'll be able to fit in unless I try them on. So hopefully someday soon, I will be able to go shoe shopping!
i like the 3rd ones down (gray) the best. seems like they'd go with anything. :)