The ring is titanium with a carbon fiber inlay. I love how there is black underneath a clear layer, and it looks like a weaved fabric pattern. There were around 15 different rings to choose from. I'm not a big fan of the spinner type, and there were some that the CTR looked a little goofy for my taste.
I love my CTR ring. I got it for my 16th birthday and have worn it 99% of the time! It's such a great reminder to always choose the right at all times. I'm glad Geoff will finally get to have his own CTR ring!
I know if Geoff were to go into Deseret Book and pick himself out a CTR ring, he would definitely choose this one! Happy 20th birthday in a week, Elder Whetstone! I can't wait until you get your awesome ring!
I like it it’s very unique! He will love it! I miss you!