
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ready or not, Salt Lake here I come!

The time has come for me to move to Salt Lake!

The cars are all packed, and even our cat thinks there is room for her to go to Salt Lake as well!

Since I had to take my bed and other furniture for my room, my parents are coming so I am able to take all my stuff with me. We will drive half way today then get to Salt Lake Friday afternoon. My parents will drop me and all my stuff off, and I will be unpacking all weekend and hopefully be finished by Monday when my internship starts.

I am eager to start this new chapter in my life. It will be a big change having a set working schedule from 8 to 5 everyday instead of having college classes spread throughout the day. I'm pretty sure I will like it a lot better! Anything beats having to do homework! I'm also excited to be close to some of my family and friends I don't get to see very often when I'm home in Washington. And I definitely plan on working out every evening since my apartment has a fitness center. That will for sure keep me motivated to lose the little bit more weight I want to get rid of!

On another note... Geoff's mission year mark is tomorrow! One year down, one to go! 

1 comment:

  1. WOOO!!!!! You are a big girl in the real world now! Exciting!!!
