
Friday, August 10, 2012

Life Lesson on Planning

So far, being a college grad has been a very new experience for me and I'm learning to adjust to being a so-called "grown-up." I still am missing my Rexburg bubble and always being surrounded by other LDS college students and friends. The biggest challenge I've been facing is not knowing exactly where I'm going be in the next few months. I'm such a planner and if it were up to me, I would know where I am going to be working by now. But sadly that is not how the grown-up way of life works!

I have had the plan that once I graduate, I can find a job somewhere in Seattle so I can be close to family. I've been gone off and on for the last four years, and it just seems logical to stay here in Washington. Sticking with my plan, I've been applying to random jobs in the Seattle area I find online, and I've had one phone interview so far that didn't go any further sadly. I have been telling myself that what is meant to happen will eventually happen. I just need to be patient.

This past Monday, I received an email from Aaron, who works for Deseret News. He was wondering if I was interested in interviewing over the phone for their upcoming fall internship, since I had applied last fall but wasn't chosen. I thought that was interesting that they reached out to me when I didn't even think to apply, since I'm looking for a job and not an internship. I told Aaron about my current situation, that I had recently graduated from BYU-Idaho and was looking for a job. I also told him a little bit about my past interview with Deseret News and how it didn't go too well. I was basically told that although they were impressed with my skills and potential, I needed a bunch more writing experience, which makes sense since it's Deseret News! I made sure to inform Aaron that I hadn't received any more experience when it comes to writing, but I have focused more on graphic and web design.

Aaron said that he would still be interested in interviewing with me, and that the experience I could receive being an intern could be helpful in the future. But he noted that not a lot of candidates are not willing to relocate from another state, since the internship doesn't pay too much. I decided that an interview couldn't hurt, so we scheduled to meet over the phone this coming Monday.

I have always thought that working for the Church would be an amazing experience. I love serving others, and what a better way to serve others than by working for the Church? That's why I applied for the Deseret News internship last fall. Just being inside the Church Office Building gives me butterflies and a feeling of excitement. I could see myself easily fitting in and working there.

After that email from Aaron, it got me thinking that maybe I should apply to other Church jobs that are currently hiring and see what happens with those. I applied for a designer job with Deseret Industries as well as a Communication Specialist and a Digital Media Publisher for the Church.

Today, I got a call from the Church Office Building wanting to interview me over the phone next Thursday for the Digital Media Publisher position. I was so excited, because this is an actual job where I would be earning a normal salary and have benefits and everything else!

As I mentioned before, I am a planner. I planned on staying in Washington, not moving to another state. I found this quote/scripture, and I can testify how true it is because I'm currently experiencing it right now:

I need to keep reminding myself this.  No matter how much I plan out my life, in the end the Lord's purpose will prevail. He wants me to be happy, and only He knows the road I need to be taking in order to be the happiest I can be.

I also found this quote that goes along with this post:

I may feel that Washington is where I want to be, but maybe I will find a better dream depending on where I get a job. Whether that is in Salt Lake working for the Church or elsewhere, I hope I discover where I am suppose to be when the timing is right.

Hopefully my two phone interviews next week go well, and like I said before, what is meant to happen will eventually happen. I just need to be patient.

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