
Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend with the ward

My best friends here at school all happen to be in my ward. Well 9/10 of them. We are all really close and have a blast together! Most of us have been together for at least 3 semesters now. So most of my fun time is spent with them. In fact, our ward is known around campus for being one of the friendliest, and that is definitely true! We all help one another out and there is never a reason for someone to be down in the dumps. Saturday we had a bonfire out at a place called "the crack"... it's basically huge rocks with a crack down the middle where the bonfire is. The fires we have there are so huge, that when we sit on very top of the rock cliffs, it's still scorching hot!

Lindsey, me, Elizabeth and Sydnie!

It looks like it's snowing! But it's really smoke :)Also, Tim and I switched sweatshirts... that's how we roll!

The last of the huge group remaining. There was around 45 of us to begin with.

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