
Monday, February 18, 2013

The Family Visits

My family came to visit this weekend! They were here Thursday night through Sunday morning. It was great seeing and spending time with them! It was so sad when they left.... I didn't want them to leave! Having them here was a great break from my normal, somewhat stressful, I-just-want-to-know-where-I'm-going-to-be-and-work-in-two-months life.

While I was at work on Valentine's Day on Thursday flowers were delivered to me from my family! They were tulips in a box with a vase I put together once I got back to my apartment. Most of the bulbs were closed, but within a few hours of putting them in water they opened up!

I also came home on Valentine's Day to find a letter waiting for me from Geoff! I don't think he plans for his letters to get to me on certain days, but for some reason they always arrive on the days that matter most! Both my birthdays I got letters from him, too. His letter made my day (like always)! 

Because I'm weird, here are some photos of the tulips from when I first got them to how they look now. Geoff's letter is also included in the first photo:
The box the flowers came it and how the flowers looked.
A few hours after being put in water.
A day after being put in water.
3 days after being put in water!
How they look today :)
I was able to see my Aunt Barbie and cousin Derek while my family was visiting, as well as my cousin Brianne and her family. Friday we hung around the malls and went to Scheels, a huge outdoor sports store. They have everything in there you could need when it comes to being outdoors and sports! Then on Saturday we went to Clark's Planetarium and did some exploring in there.

I ate way too much while my family was here... I definitely am going to start back on my diet and eating healthy again! We went to a place called "Pat's Barbeque" that was featured on "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." It was pretty good and it's only a few blocks away from my apartment. I think the best barbeque I have had though is in Orem called "Five Start Barbeque." That place was amazing! Guy Fieri needs to go there!

I got to meet my Aunt Barbie's new puppy, a miniature schnauzer named "Big Mack Daddy" haha. He is the cutest little thing! I should have taken a picture. I carried him around while I was hangout with my Aunt and her family at an RV show yesterday. He fell asleep in my arms! It makes me want a puppy even more than I already do! In a few years when I have a yard big enough for a dog to roam in, I will get the cutest puppy there is :)
On the ferris wheel at Scheels!
Kristen kissing the moose at Scheels.
Guy's words and pic at Pat's BBQ.
The cutest owl necklace ever created.
There's a lot more from this weekend I could talk about, but a short summary is good enough! Happy President's Day!

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