
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

General Conference Highlights

I know it's been over a week now since General Conference, but an article I wrote last week with another intern that contains quotes and pictures is finally up on Deseret New's website. It is titled "Memorable images from LDS leaders' talks." You can find it HERE!

I really enjoyed this General Conference. It all started out with President Monson announcing the new missionary ages; boys being able to leave for their missions at age 18 and girls being able to go at age 19. I was so excited to hear this change! I think it will be good for boys to get right out onto the mission field after high school instead of waiting for a year. The church colleges are going to be in shock for sure, with having only freshman girls and returned missionary guys as freshman! It's also scary to think that the Lord is hastening the work, meaning the final days are really here, and church membership is going to grow tremendously!

I found these picture on Pinterest, and they made me laugh! The reactions during the announcement of the missionary age change were priceless. What makes the first picture even funnier is that the girl is in my friend Candice's ward! Her name is Paulina.

Other highlights of conference provided by none other than, of course, Pinterest:

I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Nothing else give me greater joy or happiness. I love that we are able to gather for General Conference every 6 months to be uplifted by these wonderful men and women that lead and guide us. How can you not feel the spirit when you are listening to such powerful words?

I have also been uplifted by writing this blog... I mean just look at these cute quotes! How fun would it be to take popular quotes and make them fancy like this? My new goal for next General Conference: pick out all the popular quotes and create designs out of them. Done!

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