You know what else I missed while I was away in Utah? Emma and Nora of course! I got to watch these two cuties last night for a few hours, and I loved every minute of it. I am so glad I have awesome cousins like Leisha who have cute kids!
Some funny things that happened with the girls... I love sharing little moments like these so I can always remember them!
- Emma brought her bin of stuffed animals out into the living room and dumped all the animals out. After we had a talent show with the stuffed animals, as we were putting the animals back in the bin, I picked up Nora and placed her in the bin too. She really liked it... and sat in there for 45 minutes as we watched Tangled! I thought it was so cute.
- While I was putting Emma to bed, I asked her, "Does your mom shut your door all the way or leave it cracked?" She replied, "She leaves it open." So I left it cracked and went to put Nora to bed. A few minutes later, I hear Emma crying and go into her room to see what is wrong. She kept mumbling and I couldn't understand her. Finally she said that her mom shuts her door all the way when she goes to bed. Poor girl must have felt bad for telling a little lie! Leisha says she is such a tender heart, and I can definitely see why!
-Nora wasn't ready for bed when I put Emma to bed, so I had her sit on the couch with me for a little bit until she got tired. Leisha had told me that Nora will usually sit on her lap during that time. So I asked Nora, "Would you like to sit on my lap?" and she replied, "No thank you." Then in her cute, almost-2-year-old-language, "Would you like to sit on my lap?" That made me laugh and I said, "Sure!" and rested my head on her lap! She was being totally serious when she asked me. Silly girl!

About 4 more weeks until I head back up to Rexburg for my last semester! But for once, I don't want time to fly by these next 4 weeks. I want to enjoy every minute of the time I am home :)
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