I have been meaning to blog for a few days now, but then I get caught up in something else and then don't end up blogging! But here I am finally, ready to share some updates about what I've been up to in Utah!
I will start off with the whole reason I moved to Utah... my internship! So far I have only worked four days out of the 14 I will be working. Since I have to commute 45 minutes to an hour one-way (depending on traffic) to get there, I only work on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9-5 each day.
I already talked about where I'm interning at in a previous post, but I'm going to talk about it again, since I am talking about what my internship is all about! The place I intern at is called Fluid Studio, located in Bountiful, Utah. It is a graphic design and advertising firm. It's a small company with only about 10 people working there. There are eight interns, all from BYU-Idaho which is crazy! But most of the people that work there are college graduates, a couple from BYU-Idaho. The oldest person working there, besides the president of the company, is 28 haha. So yeah! It's such a fun place to work and I love working with people my age!
I haven't done much socializing yet, but I have seen my wonderful friend Laura and cousin Derek! Derek also came over for Sunday dinner. I haven't seen Laura in like almost two years... she has been traveling all over the place and doing some neat things. I haven't seen for two years since he was being a missionary in Alaska! But I missed them both, and I loved getting together with them for dinner last Wednesday!
Here we are at Rubios after we ate a yummy dinner!

Aubrey, Megan, my other friend named Laura, Danielle... if you read this blog, you are on my hang-out-with-very-soon list! I miss all of you girls and can't wait to see you!
I went to the Saratoga Springs YSA ward on Sunday. Everyone was so nice. The age range surprised me... I saw people that looked like they were in their 30's! But I am excited to be going to a singles ward, even if it's only for a little over a month!
I love staying at my cousin Brianne's house! Her and Tom are too good to me. Jayni and Mason keep me entertained and laughing a lot! I love little kids, especially my cousin's kids. They say and do the funniest things! Also, Saratoga Springs is GORGEOUS! I love the view of the mountains and the lake below. If I was a photographer and had a fancy camera, I would be taking photos of the view all the time! I also like how it's far enough away from the big places, yet still close enough to drive and get to wherever you need to go. Pretty much perfect.
The view... that I will take a better picture of eventually when it isn't cloudy!
Also, I had to include some silly pictures of Jayni and Mason that they took on my phone!

Yesterday, my lovely Aunt Mimi came here to visit, and it has been awesome having here around! We went to the BYU vs. Gonzaga basketball game last night... my first college basketball game ever! I was pretty excited. I ran into one of my friends, Kristen! She transferred to BYU from BYU-Idaho, but I first met here working at Disney World. She is so great! I texted some other friends to see if they were there, but sadly they weren't.
College basketball is way cool. I loved all the effects and action that happened. The BYU student section did a flash mob dance, which Derek had me record for him. It was sweet! It's definitely a huge college difference comparing BYU to BYU-Idaho. I seriously would have transferred to BYU if my major made it impossible to want to even think about transferring. I love my classes and everything my major has to offer!
I have to share one of the funniest parts during the basketball game for me. Tom, Mike, and Brianne were all rooting for Gonzaga while Mimi and I didn't have a specific team we wanted to win. Jayni and Mason had their Gonzaga shirts on that Mike had gotten for them. About five minutes into the game, Jayni flips her shirt around and exclaims, "I don't want to root for Gonzaga anymore! Go BYU!" It made me laugh so hard! I guess all the exciting and neat things BYU did made her want to cheer for them instead!
View from the basketball game.

Today, Mimi, Brianne and I went shopping for fun then came home and had a dessert party. Apple dumplings and lava cakes, yum! Derek and John Puente, a former missionary who served in my town, came over. John taught my step-dad and siblings and converted them twelve years ago. Mike and Mimi are also pretty close to him and were excited to catch up with him after all these years. We also played Just Dance, as well as watching a dance performance by Jayni and Mason. They make me miss being a kid and having so much energy!
Well, those have been the highlights of my Utah life so far! I'm sure there will be plenty more fun adventures within the next month!
One last note... Geoff has been a missionary for a little over 4 months now, and I have gotten a letter from him every single week! I've written him every week as well. But I'm just so grateful for his thoughtfulness and writing me on every single one of his p-days :)
He's such a great missionary! Check out his web site here if you haven't already!

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