
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Miterm Relief

I am so glad it is the weekend... last week was the busiest week of the semester for me so far. Tuesday- Thursday I was on campus from 9 in the morning to around 6 at night with hardly no breaks. It was ridiculous! I only have one midterm left that I have on Monday, I'm going to study most of the day for it. I also have 2 papers to start writing and 2 presentations to start preparing. The stress never ends! But hopefully I get a lot of it done this weekend so I don't have to worry as much.

Last night was so much fun! Here are some of the random things I did:
-Massage train with my roommates (one of my favorite things of course!)
-Random posing game with the roommates...I don't know how to describe it, it was just silly!
-Interpretive dancing with the roommates! We are really odd I know.
-Guitars Unplugged with a bunch of friends. I loved all the glow sticks!
-Dance party at Southgate... a bunch of my ward went since it was being held by a guy in my ward. But the new Southgate lounge is amazing and I wish I lived there!
-Sammy's with my FHE sisters and some of my guy friends at 12:30... I had a delicious Coconut Cream Pie Shake that was soooooo delicious!
-I was late coming home, of course since I went to Sammy's. But I got back around 1:30 and watched A Walk to Remember with my roommates!

Nights like these make my life worth living! I love hanging out with all my friends and laughing over the silliest things. It is definitely the best stress-reliever after a difficult week of school :)

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